

Your home should be an oasis, free from stress and unwanted distractions. If you have been infested or suspect that a pest has laid claim to your home, you need a qualified professional to ensure that the unwanted nuisance has permanently been removed. North Vancouver is a beautiful place to live; however, with the natural beauty comes the increased possibility of infestation. For house pest control in North Vancouver, contact Apex Pest Control.


We will give you a free estimate as we thoroughly assess your situation. Not all properties are created equal. Some homes may be more prone to attract certain critters. We know what signs to look for and how to permanently prevent future infestations. House pest control in North Vancouver needs the attention to detail and qualified technicians to resolve your specific situation.


An infestation can be a nuisance but can grow into something much worth if not addressed immediately. Apex Pest Control wants to make sure that your life doesn’t get interrupted more than it has to. We can schedule service early in the morning to make sure that you are absent and, upon your return, all pests have been removed for good.


We can help with the following pests:

















And more…


Let us inspect your North Vancouver Home and provide you with your best options. Services may range from snap traps and bait to extraction and spraying. We can also get into crevices or use saturation for severe infestations. Spraying may require that your home be empty for 6 to 8 hours; but, we will ensure that we schedule at a time that works best for you.


For house pest control in North Vancouver, contact Apex Pest Control today at (604) 518-8819!